Since 2025 - Université Paris Cité
- Linear Regression, Master 1 “Mathématiques et Applications - Ingénierie Mathématique et Biostatistique” at Université Paris Cité.
Material available on the course website.
Since 2022 - EvoGEM
- Phylogenetic Comparative Methods : intervention in the Master 2 EvoGEM (Evolution of Genomes, Populations and Species: Data and Models), with Julien Clavel (3h) and Mahendra Mariadassou (12h), in the course supervised by Paul Zaharias, Guillaume Achaz and Nicolas Puillandre.
2021 - 2024 - Montpellier
Linear Regression, Master 1 “Statistique et Science des Données” at Université de Montpellier.
Material available on GitHub and on the course website.
With Benjamin Charlier (2021), Nicolas Meyer (2022-23) and Ibrahim Bouzalmat (2024). -
Data visualization, Engineering school, program “Développement informatique et exploitation Opérationnelle” at Polytech Montpellier.
Material available on GitHub.
2021 - Montevideo
- Phylogenetics, Molecular Epidemiology and Phylodynamics, IFUM Research School.
Olivier Gascuel,
Hugo Naya,
Miraine Davila Felipe,
Anna Zhukova,
Martin Grana,
Hector Romero,
Enrique Lessa,
Daiana Mir,
Gonzalo Moratorio and
Gonzalo Bello.
Slides on continuous trait evolution (see also the Full Program):
2017 - 2018 - KU Leuven
- Applied Biostatistics, Master level, Biomedical sciences, exercise sessions.
- Introduction to Biostatistics, Bachelor level, Biomedical sciences, exercise sessions.
2014 - 2017 - Université Paris Sud
- Introduction to Mathematical Modeling, Bachelor level, Mathematics (L3). [Springs 2015/16/17]
- Introduction to Statistics, Bachelor level, Biology (L2). [Fall 2016]
- Mathematics for Biology, Bachelor level, Biology (L1). [Fall 2016]
- Measure Theory and Probabilities, Bachelor level, Mathematics (L3). [Spring 2016]
- Introduction to Statistics, Bachelor level, Biology (L3). [Fall 2014]