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log_likelihood computes the log likelihood of some parameters.


log_likelihood(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'params_process'
log_likelihood(x, Y_data, phylo, ...)

# S3 method for class 'PhyloEM'
log_likelihood(x, ...)



an object of class params_process or PhyloEM.


for a PhyloEM object, further arguments to be passed on to params_process.PhyloEM (to choose which parameters to extract from the results, see documentation of this function).


matrix of data at the tips, size p x ntaxa. Each line is a trait, and each column is a tip. The column names are checked against the tip names of the tree.


a phylogenetic tree, class phylo. incidence.matrix.full. Can be specified to avoid extra computations.


The log likelihood of the data with the provided parameters on the tree.

Methods (by class)