creates or extracts a set of parameters of class
An S3 object of class params_process
. This is essentially a list containing the following entries:
- process
The model used. One of "BM" (for a full BM model, univariate or multivariate); "OU" (for a full OU model, univariate or multivariate); or "scOU" (for a "scalar OU" model).
- p
Dimension of the trait.
- root.state
List describing the state of the root, with:
- random
random state (TRUE) or deterministic state (FALSE)
- value.root
if deterministic, value of the character at the root
- exp.root
if random, expectation of the character at the root
- var.root
if random, variance of the character at the root (pxp matrix)
- shifts
List with position and values of the shifts:
- edges
vector of the K id of edges where the shifts are
- values
matrix p x K of values of the shifts on the edges (one column = one shift)
- relativeTimes
vector of dimension K of relative time of the shift from the parent node of edges
- variance
Variance-covariance matrix size p x p.
- selection.strength
Matrix of selection strength size p x p (OU).
- optimal.value
Vector of p optimal values at the root (OU).