Grid so that 2*ln(2)*quantile(d_ij)/factor_up_alpha < t_1/2 < factor_down_alpha * ln(2) * h_tree Ensures that for alpha_min, it is almost a BM, and for alpha_max, almost all the tips are decorrelated.
alpha = NULL,
nbr_alpha = 10,
factor_up_alpha = 2,
factor_down_alpha = 3,
quantile_low_distance = 1e-04,
log_transform = TRUE,
allow_negative = FALSE,
phylogenetic tree of class "phylo
fixed vector of alpha values if already known. Default to NULL.
the number of elements in the grid
factor for up scalability
factor for down scalability
quantile for min distance
whether to take a log scale for the spacing of alpha values. Default to TRUE.
whether to allow negative values for alpha (Early Burst).
See documentation of PhyloEM
for more details. Default to FALSE.
not used.
A grid of alpha values
If quantile_low_distance=0
, then quantile(d_ij)=min(d_ij)
, and, for any
two tips i,j, the correlation between i and j is bounded by exp(-factor_up_alpha/2).
Those values of alpha will be used for the re-scaling of the tree, which has an
exponential term in exp(2*alpha*h). The function makes sure that this number is
below the maximal float allowed (equals to .Machine$double.xmax